Comprehensive care for children through monitoring their growth and overall health.
Providing guidance to address latch-on issues in newborns.
Specialized services for monitoring pregnancy, including providing healthcare for expectant mothers, particularly in high-risk pregnancies requiring detailed follow-up.
A cosmetic procedure to tighten the abdominal area and remove excess skin.
A surgical procedure to remove an inflamed appendix to prevent severe complications.
Including depression, bipolar mood disorder, and psychosis treatment.
Individual or group therapy sessions to improve psychological and behavioral health.
Procedures to enhance or reduce breast size according to patient needs.
Examining blood flow in arteries and veins using color Doppler imaging.
Procedure to remove the gallbladder due to stones or chronic issues, performed traditionally or laparoscopically.
Providing comprehensive nutritional guidance for patients after bariatric surgery to ensure a smooth recovery.
Customized nutritional plans to meet the needs of various groups, including pregnant women and athletes.
Accurate and early diagnosis of fetal diseases and abnormalities using advanced diagnostic techniques.
Surgical procedures to address eyelid drooping and enhance overall appearance.
Natural and cesarean delivery services using the latest techniques to ensure maternal comfort.
Comprehensive follow-up for newborns to ensure healthy growth and development.
A non-surgical procedure to lift and enhance facial appearance using threads.
Specialized dietary programs for treating gastrointestinal issues and immune disorders.
Surgical treatment for cancers of the stomach, colon, liver, and pancreas.
Diagnosing joint and muscle issues using advanced imaging techniques.
Comprehensive evaluation of delayed conception cases and providing appropriate treatment to improve fertility chances.
Specialized cosmetic procedures to enhance appearance and self-confidence, including intimate area reconstruction.
Cosmetic procedures to lift and tighten the arms and thighs for improved appearance.
Correcting or enhancing the shape of the nose to improve facial harmony.
Correcting deformities or improving the appearance of scars caused by trauma or surgery.
Mesotherapy techniques to reduce localized fat and improve body contour.
Customized treatment plans to address obesity or underweight and achieve an ideal weight.
Advanced surgeries to remove malignant and benign tumors with minimal surgical intervention.
Reconstructing the breast using advanced techniques after mastectomy.
Includes lumpectomy or mastectomy depending on the condition.
Diagnosing female reproductive system issues using medical imaging.
Hair transplantation procedures using advanced techniques to restore hair density.
Customized dietary plans for managing chronic conditions like diabetes, hypertension, liver, and kidney diseases.
Removing excess fat to improve body contours and achieve a balanced shape.
Providing all essential and optional vaccinations for children.
Specialized surgeries to treat gastrointestinal issues like ulcers and obstructions using advanced techniques.
Providing comprehensive medical solutions for diagnosing and treating recurrent miscarriages to improve the chances of a successful pregnancy.
Enhancing the nose shape using filler injections as an alternative to surgery.
Monitoring jaundice levels and tracking newborn growth in terms of height and weight.
Early imaging for diagnosing breast tumors using advanced techniques.
Includes removal of tumors in the lymph nodes and endocrine glands.
Non-surgical procedures to treat wrinkles and enhance facial features.
Diagnosis and treatment of breastfeeding issues like nipple cracks and mastitis.
Treatment of all types of hernias using advanced techniques for safe and quick recovery.
Includes thyroid and endocrine gland surgeries to treat tumors or hormonal disorders.
Surgical procedures to improve the appearance of the face and neck and address signs of aging.
At Well Health Clinics, we understand that you may have questions about our services and your healthcare journey. Explore our FAQs for detailed answers to common queries or contact us directly for personalized assistance.
Yes, second opinions are available.
Consultation hours are from 1 PM to 10 PM.
Yes, virtual consultations are available.
We have specialized care for high-risk pregnancies.
Yes, we have specialists for clinical nutrition advice.
Yes, comprehensive post-operative care is included.
Yes, we offer family planning and contraceptive advice.
Yes, our lactation experts are here to assist.
Yes, we offer specialized advice for managing diabetes.
Yes, all our surgeons are highly qualified.
Results are typically available within 24-48 hours.
We offer rhinoplasty, liposuction, and more.
This depends on your insurance policy.
We provide X-rays, ultrasounds, and MRIs.
Yes, we customize treatments for sensitive skin.
Yes, our pediatricians provide routine check-ups and vaccinations.
Yes, all our radiologists are certified professionals.
Yes, minimally invasive options are offered.
Yes, we have experts in cancer-related surgeries.
Yes, we provide comprehensive infertility treatments.
Preparation instructions will be provided during booking.
Yes, we specialize in comprehensive neonatal care.
Yes, consultations are provided for all surgeries.
Yes, we offer mole removal and biopsy.
Yes, consultations for skin allergies are available.
We perform hernia repairs, gallbladder surgeries, and more.
Appointments can be booked online or via phone.
Yes, we provide addiction counseling and treatment.
Recovery times vary based on the procedure.
Yes, we provide ultrasounds for all stages of pregnancy.
Yes, we offer online therapy sessions.
Yes, we offer CT scans.
We provide consultations, lactation training, and advice for new mothers.
Yes, group therapy is available.
Yes, we provide Botox and dermal fillers.
Coverage depends on your insurance plan.
Yes, skin check-ups are available.
Yes, online booking is available through our WhatsApp and social media channels
Yes, you can request a copy at the reception.
It depends on your insurance plan.
Our clinic operates from 1 PM to 10 PM.
We offer prenatal care, delivery, and postnatal care.
Coverage depends on your specific insurance plan.
Yes, we have specialized care plans for preterm infants.
This depends on your insurance provider.
Same-day appointments depend on availability.
Yes, we offer pregnancy ultrasounds.
Yes, we have programs for children as well.
Yes, we design plans tailored to your medical needs.
Appointments can be booked online or by phone.
We provide plans for weight loss, muscle gain, and specific health conditions.
Yes, we provide emergency services for children.
We provide laser hair removal and skin resurfacing.
Preparation instructions will be given during the consultation.
Yes, we offer laser therapy and chemical peels.
Yes, all our surgeons are certified professionals.
Yes, our certified dietitians are here to help.
Yes, we provide treatments for eczema, psoriasis, and more.
Insurance coverage varies; please check your policy.
Sessions typically last 45-60 minutes.
Yes, Pap smear tests are available.
Yes, our specialists provide treatment for anxiety and depression.
We offer therapy, counseling, and medication management.
Yes, consultations are mandatory before any procedure.
All sessions are strictly confidential.
Yes, we offer Botox, fillers, and more.
Yes, routine check-ups are available.
Yes, we have child and adolescent psychiatry services.
Recovery times vary; consult our surgeons for specifics.
Yes, we offer all standard immunizations for children.
We accept most major insurance providers.
We offer personalized diet plans and exercise recommendations.
Yes, we offer comprehensive post-operative support.
The clinic operates from 1 PM to 10 PM.
Yes, sedation is available if required.
Yes, we specialize in laparoscopic procedures.
We offer skin treatments, acne care, and more.